Saturday, October 1, 2005

CU Grad Denny Wilkins Honored by SEJ

Dr. Denny Wilkins, associate professor of journalism at St. Bonaventure University in Olean, N.Y., was known as an exacting copy editor during his days around the J-School at CU in the 1990s. No doubt his prowess was honed during years of the same work in the newspaper business, before he came to Boulder to pursue his doctoral studies.

Wilkins received his Ph.D. in media studies in 1996, but he can't get away from copy editing. In fact, it helped garner him the 2005 David Stolberg Meritorious Service Award from the Society of Environmental Journalists.

Denny Wilkins (Photo/Craig Melvins)

About 10 years ago, Denny offered his proofreading services to SEJ when he caught a typo or two in the SEJournal, SEJ's quarterly publication. He has continued to police SEJ material for grammar and punctuation errors since, and has moved up substantially in the ranks at the journal. He was appointed to the editorial board and now serves as chairman. He has repeatedly declined offers to be paid for his work.

An article on SEJ's web site announcing Wilkins' award includes his reaction when he learned of his selection: "I'm shocked, stunned and flattered that you would honor me this way. I'm just an old copy desk hack who likes to run down errant commas. To me, this award represents the service and dedication of current and past editors of the journal, its editorial board and the selfless members who write for the journal."

The Stolberg Award was created in 1998 to recognize SEJ members who "epitomize the volunteer spirit of its namesake, David Stolberg, one of SEJ's founders," according to the web page article.

We at the CEJ send our warmest congratulations to Denny.

Another SEJournal editorial board member also has ties to CU: Elizabeth Bluemink was a Ted Scripps Fellow from 2002-2003.

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